Author: dc

Citrix ADC Gateway page loading issue with Chrome v100

There is a great problem with last major update of Chrome (and all browsers Chromium based). With the new version 100 of Chrome and custom theme based on RfWebUI theme on Citrix ADC we...

VMware HealthAnalyzer

Learn how to download and how to use VMware HealthAnalyzer. Complete guide here!

Under construction

How to quickly put your website to maintenance mode

Sometime we need to put off a website for security reasons. For example when a customer get a malware or the site is hacked and we must organize well to cover all the points...

Con VMC on AWS e HCX puoi muovere le VM a caldo?

Certo, ma… come sempre accade è sempre meglio verificare alcuni prerequisiti fondamentali di una vMotion prima di dare questa risposta ad un cliente. Per effettuare vMotion esistono diversi fattori che potrebbero non permettere o...

VMware on AWS: HCX. Please, don’t change anyting!

shot story: Customer changed the name of a network that was extended by HCX. The VMs on VMC that use this network don’t reach On-prem VMs on same network. On HCX I can’t unextend...

deprecated tls

My choices for TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3

Intro Enable TLS 1.2 now! Starting from March 2020, the most used browsers will no longer have the support for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 protocols as has already happened for all versions of...